Dip. Travel Medicine ( Otago) Dip. in Cosmetic Medicine (NZSCM)
Dip. Obstetrics and Gynaecology (India) Dip.Skin cancer Medicine and Surgery,Dip. in Dermoscopy(SCCA)
New Zealand has a community-based system of healthcare, where your first point of contact for any medical problem is your family doctor or general practitioner (GP), who treats minor conditions and refers more serious cases to specialists or hospitals.
It’s advisable to find and register with a doctor as soon as you arrive in a new area, although it isn’t compulsory to do so and you can just turn up at any doctor’s surgery, where you will usually receive prompt attention. You’re allowed to choose any doctor, although it’s obviously more convenient to use one near your home. Telephone directories contain a list of local doctors in the preface.
Most doctors’ surgeries are well equipped and often take the form of health centres or group practices where several doctors practise together and specialise in different areas, such as obstetrics or paediatrics. Many also have their own nurses who you can consult for minor problems and treatment, which is cheaper than seeing a doctor. New Zealand nurses are highly trained and qualified and are authorised to prescribe certain drugs and administer treatments (such as intravenous injections) which aren’t permitted in many other countries.
Our surgery hours are usually 8.00am to 7.00pm Monday to Thursday, 8.00am to 5.00 pm on Friday and 8.00 AM TO 2.00 pm on a Saturday. We are not open on Long week ends and public holiday. Our After hours health care Provider is Anglesea clinic , which provides 24 Hours service .Although it’s necessary to make an appointment, we will see any patints regisrered with our clinic same day, in case of emergency. All kids will be seen the same day.
Healthline originated as a pilot scheme in four areas of New Zealand, providing 24-hour health advice from trained nurses. The scheme – similar to those in Australia, the UK and the USA . patients can call healthline for advice , just in case they are not sure if they need to see a doctor or not.